
Topps Group is home to premier UK tile brands including Topps Tiles, Pro Tiler, and Parkside. Our foremost retail brand Topps Tiles, stands as the nation’s largest specialist distributor of tiles and associated products.

Our Strategy

Marble effect tiles in a bathroom

Leading Product

Leading Product

We develop and produce differentiated products that are innovative, of high quality and exclusive to Topps Group.

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Leading People

Leading People

The Group’s success is underpinned by industry leading levels of customer service.

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Environmental Leadership

Environmental Leadership

We challenged ourselves with an ambitious goal of becoming carbon neutral across Scope 1 & 2 by 2030.

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The impact we are making


We remain committed to reduce our absolute carbon emissions and, in Scope 1 and 2, offset the remainder to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

Affordable and clean energyIndustry, Innovation and infrastructureUn SDG 13 icon - climate action


We use circularity as an umbrella term for our various projects to reduce waste, promote recycling, and minimise consumption of natural resources.

Industry, Innovation and infrastructureResponsible consumption and production


We ensure Topps Group is an inclusive, inspiring, and successful, great place to work for all colleagues.

No povertyGood health and well-beingUNSDG - 5 - gender equalityUNSDG - 6 - clean water and sanitationUNSDG - 8 - decent work and economic growth